I’m seven weeks postpartum and finally have a free moment from changing dirty diapers and breastfeeding to recap my third trimester. Looking back, I cannot believe how quickly my pregnancy went by and that my baby, Winter, is almost two months old!
The third trimester is between weeks 28 and 40 (or 7-9 months), and during that time, your baby rapidly grows. Just when I thought there’s no way my belly could get any bigger, it got bigger… a lot bigger.

During my third trimester, we went on our babymoon to Hilton Head Island and Savannah, celebrated baby girl with a virtual baby shower, shot our maternity photos, and nested like crazy to complete her nursery (reveal coming soon!). Towards the end of my pregnancy, my husband and I felt a mix of emotions: absolute excitement, nervousness, restlessness, and a little uncertainty — just all of the above. We tried to soak in the last couple of weeks with only the two of us before our world changed forever!
Below I’ve rounded up your most asked third trimester questions:
How much weight did I gain?
I gained 32 lbs. and my belly measured around 40″ inches.
What pregnancy symptoms did I have?
I had heartburn, exhaustion, nausea, dry heaving, and I occasionally threw up. I wasn’t uncomfortable until 39 weeks; at that point, I felt enormous and was ready to meet our little peanut.

Was it hard to sleep/breathe?
Yes, and yes! Talking and walking winded me, and turning over in bed became an Olympic sport, ha! The bigger I became, the more immobile I became. I woke up to pee every couple of hours, and sometimes it was hard to go back to sleep. But for the most part, my sleep was pretty consistent, with occasional insomnia here and there. It definitely prepped my body for those middle of the night feedings!
Did I have Braxton Hicks?
Thankfully no.

Did I get stretch marks?
I made it through my pregnancy stretch mark-free. There is a genetic link to stretch marks, so if your mama had them, you are more likely to get them too. I also used this stretch mark cream religiously.
How is the nursery coming along?
There are still a couple of decorative items that I want to get, but overall it’s finished. I had so much fun decorating it, and I can’t wait to share!

Did I wash all of the baby’s clothes?
Yes! I washed all sizes from newborn to 12 months. I’ve been using this baby detergent.
Did I pre-pack my hospital bag?
Yes, I am a planner, so I had my bag, and the baby’s bag packed a couple of weeks before my due date.
What was your favorite part of the third trimester?
The third trimester has been my favorite. I loved feeling baby girl kick, seeing her move, and having her dad rub my belly when she had hiccups.

Was I nervous about labor and delivery?
I have a high pain tolerance, so I was not nervous about labor. However, I did worry that I would not get an epidural in time – which almost happened. I’ll be sharing my labor story soon!
Did I have a birth plan?
My only plan was to have the baby delivered safely. I followed whatever my doctor thought was best at the moment. We wanted the doctors to keep our little girl and me safe, no matter what.

Did I feel baby girl move a lot?
Yes, she was super active and head down since my second trimester. I would see her little butt poking out of my belly and feel her kick all the time, especially after I ate sugar. She would also get hiccups at least once a day.
Did I take any courses to prepare for the baby?
Yes! We ended up taking three classes: CPR, Newborn Basics, and Breastfeeding 101. I’m happy we took the classes because they gave us some great tips and made us feel more confident as new parents. I would encourage other couples to do the same.

Did I do anything to help bring on labor?
Yes, I walked a lot and drank a tea designed to shorten labor, ease contractions, and tone my uterus. I also sat on a sitz bath every day for about 10 minutes to help reduce vaginal tearing. Unfortunately, I ended up tearing. I’ve read that you should start to use the sitz bath at the beginning of the third trimester, and I did not use it until the last month.
Did I love being pregnant?
Yes. Even though I had a rough pregnancy and was sick for nine months, I felt so blessed to be able to carry this sweet girl and never took it for granted. I definitely miss the bump. I miss putting my hand on it, rubbing it, looking at myself in the mirror every day, and being amazed at what a human body can do. Our body goes through a lot during pregnancy, and this experience has made me love and respect it even more. I would do it all over again in a heartbeat! You can click here to read about my first trimester and second trimester, too!

And there you have it, my third trimester recap. Overall, being pregnant was an amazing experience and has made me feel stronger and more empowered. Bring on baby number 2!
Here are some pregnancy posts if you want to catch up…
If you are expecting a little one or have been pregnant before, I’d love to hear about your third trimester experiences. As always, let me know if you have any questions!

You’re amazing Ashley! 👍