First of all, congrats!!! Being pregnant is such an exciting time, and if you are in your third trimester, it’s time to start planning what you will pack in your hospital bag. Ideally, when you are around 36 weeks along, you should have your bag packed-just in case you go into labor early.
As I got closer to my due date and meeting my baby girl, the more important it became to get my hospital bag together. But where to begin? I had no idea what to bring, and I didn’t want to over-pack. After tons of research, I narrowed down the items that would make me comfortable during labor and after my baby girl arrived. Now that I have been through my first delivery, I can share what you really need! The hospital gives you postpartum items, such as disposable mesh undies, thick pads, Tucks cooling pads, Dermoplast spray, etc. But after using their products, I preferred the postpartum items that I brought much more. Each hospital is different, so check with yours to see what they provide. Without further ado, here are my absolute must-have items for Mom, Dad, and baby.
Below, I’ve provided a free printable checklist with all the essentials when it’s time for you to pack your bag.
Mom’s Bag
- Robe: A short cozy robe that will also look nice if you want to take photos after you deliver.
- Slippers or flip flops: I recommend bringing flip-flops that you can also wear in the shower.
- Pajamas: Dark-colored button-up P.J.s are a must for breastfeeding and hiding stains. You bleed A LOT after giving birth, and yes, you will leak. I brought this pajama set and sleepshirt in the black color, and they were buttery soft.
- Postpartum underwear
- No-slip socks: Epidural makes you uneasy on your feet. Soft nonskid socks are a lifesaver.
- Nursing bra / Nursing tanks: I love these bras and tanks. They are comfy and affordable.
- Going home outfit: You will still look six months pregnant, so opt for a loose flowy dress or comfy sweats.

- Adult diapers: These are so much comfier than the mesh underwear that the hospital gives you.
- Peri bottle: This peri bottle is way better than the hospital squirt bottle. The angled neck allows you to hold it upside down. It’s like a handheld bidet!
- Earth mama spray
- Nipple cream
- Cooling liners
- Overnight pads
- Nursing breast pads

- Makeup bag
- Toothbrush / Toothpaste
- Mouthwash / Dental floss
- Brush / Comb
- Soap / Facewash
- Hair ties
- Deodorant
- Makeup
- Lip balm
- Shampoo / Conditioner / Dry shampoo
- Wallets with an insurance card
- Hospital paperwork / Birth plan
- Snacks
- Empty reusable bag: To bring home goodies from the hospital. e.g., diapers, wipes, postpartum care, etc.
Baby’s Bag
- Outfits: I brought size newborn and size 0-3 since we didn’t know how big she would be.
- Socks
- Hats / Bows
- Swaddle
- Blanket
- Mittens
- Wipes
- Diapers
- Nail Trimmer: You’ll be shocked at how long your baby’s nails are when born. To prevent your newborn from scratching themselves, trim them as soon as you can. If you are nervous about using nail clippers, these are safe and quick.
- Burp cloths
- Baby memory book: For baby’s footprints.
- Letterboard: We used this in photos to announce her name, weight, height, birthday, etc.
- Infant car seat and base: We had to show the hospital our installed car seat before we were allowed to leave.
Baby Memory Book
Dad’s Bag
- Going home outfit
- Clothes for 2-3 days
- Hoodie / Sweatpants
- iPad / Laptop
- Boxers
- Socks
- Flip flops
- Blow Dryer / Curling iron / Straightener
- 10 F.T. phone charger: The outlets are far away from your hospital bed, so a long phone charger will allow you to have your phone on hand.
- Phone
- Camera
- Tripod
- Selfie stick
- Fan: This would probably be my biggest recommendation. It’s a little bougie, but trust me, you get super hot pushing. This little fan really helped me stay cool!

Things that I brought but didn’t use:
+ LABOR GOWN: By the time I got to the hospital, I was already 10cm dilated, so finding my gown in my bag was the last thing on my mind. All I could think of was getting an epidural!
+ POSTPARTUM CONTRACTION DROPS: I honestly forgot about these, and my nurse gave me Advil for the afterbirth contractions that worked great.
+ SLIPPERS: I used my flip flops instead
+ EARPLUGS / EYE MASK: Not needed; my hospital room was dark and quiet.
+ LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL: Since things moved pretty fast when I got to the hospital, I didn’t even think about these.
+ PORTABLE SPEAKER: We kept things pretty quiet in our room.
*Tip: Have your hospital bag packed by your front door, so whenever baby decides to show up, you’ll be ready!
What were some items you actually used in your hospital bag and is there anything that I’m forgetting?